The non-alcoholic fruit beverage market through patent prospecting
Agriculture, Fruit processing, Fruit growing, Innovation, Beverage market, Intellectual propertyAbstract
Non-alcoholic fruit beverages hold significant importance in the fruit processing chain. This article aimed to conduct a technological prospective study, through patents, in this specific beverage area. Patents were searched in the online databases of INPI (Brazil) and EPO (Europe), using keywords, the internation classification number, and filing dates. A total of 80 patents were retrieved, excluding duplicates and out of scope ones. The year 2020 witnessed the highest number of filings, followed by a decrease in subsequent years. Japan held 46% of the patents considered in this study, while Brazil accounted for 26%. Overall, the primary filers are from the industry, while 48% of Brazilian patents had educational and research institutions as filers. Lemon, orange, and grapefruit were the most cited fruits in the analyzed documents, indicating a wide participation of tropical fruits in beverage production. Despite Brazil being one of the world's largest fruit producers, Japan leads in innovations related to fruit beverages. Brazil needs to improve its innovation ecosystem to encourage domestic companies, achieve greater competitiveness in international trade, and add higher value to its traded goods.
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