Khewra Pink Rock Salt as a registered Geographical Indication of Pakistan
Khewra pink rock salt, Himalayan pink salt , geographical indication, GI act, IPO PakistanAbstract
Khewra Pink Rock Salt also known as Himalayan Pink Salt, extracted from the Khewra Salt Mines, in Pakistan is appreciated due to its pink color, rich mineral content, culinary usage and associated health benefits. The problem arose when it was highlighted that it is being sold in global markets as a product of India. It was quite concerning for local communities and regions which are hub of its production since centuries. Pakistan is already bearing the brunt of not claiming many geographical indications timely. After the implementation of Geographical Indications Act of Pakistan in 2020, it’s now tagged as a GI of Pakistan. Current study explores the origin of salt, its economic potential, health benefits, and the increasing market demand. Registration of this Pink Salt as a GI of Pakistan is also discussed, that will safeguard its authenticity a Pakistani product. Suitable branding, sustainable mining practices, and value-added products are necessary to meet the increasing demand for high-quality pink salt and to ensure the long-term success of the Himalayan pink salt industry.
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