Legal Protection of Industrial Drawings, Models and Designs in Yemen
Industrial drawings, industrial models, intellectual property, legal protection, IPRAbstract
Industrial revolution contributed to the emergence of industrial property rights and the accompanying inventions. Technological development and the expansion of the use of electronic technologies in various industrial fields contributed to increasing competition between economic entities, regarding their ownership of the elements of industrial property rights. These rights distinguish their products from others, besides their role in increasing the economic growth rates of countries that possess patents or technical knowledge, which supports their economy. National laws and international agreements have been designed to protect industrial property rights as patents, designs and trademarks. Work on imposing specific controls to protect their owners and creators of those rights from a legal perspective, as well as establishing an economic balance between the owners of those rights and those with the right to monopolize them on the one hand and the general public on the other hand to provide the appropriate environment to achieve more innovation and creativity to maximize their economic return. This research aims to study the legal protection of industrial drawings and models, and to investigate the problems that arise regarding them. The researcher used the descriptive approach based on describing the legal texts included in Yemeni law, and analyzing them to reach useful results on the subject. The research reached the most important results, which is that the law provided protection for industrial models and drawings. The researcher recommends keeping pace with technical developments and updating legislation to include technical drawings and models as well.
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Yemeni Industrial Designs Law No. (28) of 2010.
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